How to set up Seek budgets

Our Seek budgeting tool is designed to work exclusively with SEEK's AdPanel. As pricing varies depending on a number of variables when posting to Seek, the budgeting tool allows you to both track and cap your spending on a monthly basis.

There are several ways in which you can apply a budget value, and we’ll walk you through all the options in this article:


Budgeting is hierarchical in these areas. This means that spending will not be allowed to exceed the budget allocated in the tier above, even if a higher value has been allocated below. For example, the budget set against a group will not allow spending to exceed that value, even if a higher value total budget has been allocated to individual users and subgroups within.

Accessing the budget tool

1. Go to ‘Settings’, then click on ‘Board subscriptions’.

2. Where you see Seek listed, click ‘edit’ on the right.

3. At the top of the page, click on the ‘Budget settings’ tab.

How to allocate a default budget across the whole account

1. Allocate the maximum monthly spend you wish to apply to the whole of your account in the budget field next to ‘Default login’.

2. Click ‘save budget settings’ to save your changes.

How to allocate a budget to groups

1. To access the Group budget fields, you can either click on Groups in the top right of the page…

...or click on the arrow to the left of ‘Default login’. 

2. Allocate the budget value against the Groups as required.


If a group or subgroup does not have any users allocated, then no arrow will appear against it. Users who are not allocated to any groups will also be visible at the bottom of the page.

3. Clicking the ‘Groups’ button or the arrow next to ‘Default login’ will hide the fields once again. 

4. Click ‘Save budget settings’.

How to allocate a budget to subgroups

1. You can access the Subgroup fields in two ways:

I. Click on ‘Subgroups’ in the top right of the page to open all subgroups.

Ii. Alternatively, you can access Subgroups selectively for specific groups by clicking on the blue arrow to the left of the Group.

2. Allocate the budget value against the Subgroups as required.

3. Click ‘Save budget settings’

How to allocate a budget to individual users

1. You can access the User fields in two ways:

I. Click on ‘Users’ in the top right of the page to open all user fields.

II. Alternatively, you can access Users selectively for specific groups and subgroups by clicking on the blue arrow to the left of the Group or Subgroup.

2. Allocate the budget value against the Users as required.

3. Click ‘Save budget settings’

Monitoring budget spend

1. Every time a user posts to Seek, the cost of the advert will be deducted from the ‘Remaining’ value shown in the Budget settings area. 

2. This will be deducted from all relevant values that apply to the user. This means wherever a budget that applies to them has been set. So, if a budget has been set against their user profile, subgroup, group, and default fields, the remaining value will be updated in all of these areas. 

In the example below, Tim Parker posted to SEEK at a charge of 200 dollars. You can see that the 200 was deducted from the remaining user amount and the remaining value in the subgroup he belonged to. In turn, it was also deducted from the applicable group and the default value.


It's not necessary to set budgets in all these areas. It's entirely up to you how macro or micro you set allocations. Here we're just demonstrating the logic and how the deductions are applied to all applicable areas.

Setting the renewal date

1. Budgets are designed to refresh on a monthly basis, so we’d strongly advise setting your monthly renewal date in the account. 

2. At the bottom of the budget settings page, you’ll find the ‘Reset budget date’ field. 

3. Simply input the date of the month on which your account refreshes. For example, if your Seek account monthly spending refreshes on the 10th of the month, input 10 in the field.

4. Don’t forget to save your settings before you exit the page.

Common questions

What happens when a user posts in advance?

When a user sets an advert to post in advance, the charge that will be applied by Seek is deducted from the remaining budget allocation immediately. Should the posting fail for any reason, then the amount will be added back. 

If a user has no budget but wants to post in advance after the budget refreshes, can they do so?

No. In order to ensure that you have complete control of current and future spending, users will not be allowed to post in advance if they have no further budget available. This is the case even if the posting will go live in the next month's billing period. 

In this scenario, if your user needs to ensure the advert is scheduled, then simply allocate the appropriate budget increase.

How is the price determined?

Each advert's cost is determined based on the price displayed in SEEK's AdPanel at the point of creating the posting.


The price displayed in the AdPanel is only an estimate (tax excluded) and can vary depending on several circumstances, particularly if adverts are scheduled to be posted on later days.

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