Setting up and editing global notifications for your users

Notifications are set at a global level for all users. This can be done by anyone who has admin level permission on your account. By default new accounts are created with a basic applicant notification in place for all users, but it’s good to know how to remove and add notifications, and the permission levels you can give to your users.

Accessing the notifications area

Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Notifications’

Understanding what's already in place

If you have any notifications set up on your account you will see a text box for each notification, along with a number of different setting and edit options. Inside the box is a description of the notification which has been set, including what the trigger is and where applicable, what the notification message may or may not have attached.

Note that the functions here will differ in both look and function from those that are seen at a user level. The headline point to remember is that as an administrator, any changes you make here will be applied to all users. (Whereas any changes a non-admin user makes will only apply to them).

Adding a new notification

1. Click the green ‘Add notification’ button in the top right hand corner. 

If the button is inactive, then you already have all available notifications active on your account.

2. From the ‘Notification’ drop down, select the kind of notification you wish to add.

3. Select the ‘type’ of notification required 

For email notifications regarding new applications, you can select to include or exclude the CV as an attachment, and personal details in the body of the email. (Note that 'exclude CV' is populated by default).

For email notifications regarding SMS messages, there is currently one type so this is pre-filled for you.

4. Set the ‘Send to’ logic by selecting your preferred option from the drop down.  

For applicant notifications we default to the advert sender (the person who is named on the advert) but you can change this to the person who completed the posting process. For example, if a resourcer posts the adverts in the consultants names, but the applicant alerts should still go to the resourcer.

SMS is again pre-filled for 'Sender' of the original message, so there is nothing you need to change.

5. Finally, set the user permission. This is an important step as it dictates what the users can and cannot change in terms of the notifications they receive. 

IMPORTANT: Note that if you grant users permission to 'edit, deactivate & activate the notification' for an applicant received, this means they will be able to choose whether they receive a CV in their inbox. If you do not want them to do this, but want to let them choose whether or not they receive notifications at all, then select 'Users can deactivate & activate the notification.

'Users cannot make any changes' is exactly that. They will see the text explaining what is in place, but won't be able to deactivate or edit the notification.

5. When you are ready, click 'Save notification'.

Editing an existing notification

To edit an existing notification, click the ‘edit’ button to the right of the notification. 

For more information regarding the options available, see ‘Adding a new notification’ above.

Deactivating a notification for all users

You can deactivate a notification for all users (without removing it completely), by using the toggle switch. If the switch is green, the notification is active. 

If the switch is red, the notification has been deactivated. 

As this is a global setting change, a pop up warning will appear at the top of your browser to confirm you wish to make this change. 

If you want users to have this deactivated selectively, then edit the notification and grant them permission to activate or deactivate the notification for their account.

What if I don’t want to receive this type of notification myself?

We have provided a ‘mute’ button which allows you to decide whether you want a notification to be active for yourself or not. (This works very much in the same way as the ‘activate/deactivate’ toggle button for a normal user.)

If the mute button is grey, then it is switched off and you will receive this notification for your own activity.

If the mute button is green, then it is switched on and you will not receive this notification.

Removing a notification for all users

To completely remove a notification, click the ‘delete’ button on the right. 

A warning message will appear alerting you that this will be removed globally for all users. Click OK if you wish to proceed.

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