How the idibu mobile app can still add value while working in lockdown

By Tim Parker, Product Manager.

We developed the idibu mobile app primarily so that you can sift applicants while on the move between client meetings, or while commuting to and from work.

So how does that still have any relevance while you’re working from home... in lockdown?

I’ve been working remotely for 6 years now and although I’ve found this offers many advantages in terms of productivity, you can easily fall into the trap of being glued to your computer screen all day. This has obvious negative implications for posture, eye strain and over time you’ll likely feel a diminishing return on your productivity. 

One of the techniques I’ve developed to combat this is to periodically switch to working from mobile in short sustained bursts. 

A really good example of this is when I want to clear down my email inbox, and move multiple emails into different folders. It’s surprisingly effective to switch to mobile for this task. If I find myself just staring blankly at my inbox on the computer screen, I’ll get up, grab my mobile and sit on the couch for a short change of scene while I clear those emails from inside my mobile app. The result is always that things look clearer and fresher on the mobile, and I can clear my mails down much faster - all due to a simple change of view that gives a huge increase in clarity. 

Which brings us to the idibu mobile app...

Right now, the vacancies you are working on will most likely start to increase in application numbers, meaning you’ll be spending more of your time sifting. 

Using the idibu mobile app either at the start of a sift, or mid way through, is one way to keep yourself fresh and work through those application numbers quickly and efficiently. It will also help safeguard against making an erroneous decision on a candidate due to eye fatigue.

If you're using idibu V3, but you're not yet using the idibu mobile app, you can download it here.

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