Aggregated search results page

Our aggregated search feature allows you to search across your multiple job board accounts at once, with all the results returned in one location.  

In this article we will talk you through:

  1. How the search results appear
  2. Ranking and filtering your search results
  3. Reviewing your candidates
    1. Short description
    2. Quick view and full profile
  4. Adding candidates to idibu
    1. Adding candidates from inside the candidate profile
    2. Adding candidates from the search results list
    3. Adding multiple candidates
  5. Downloading CVs to your desktop

How the search results appear

When you run an aggregated search, the results will be displayed a little differently from how they appear in the local search results tab.

The results of all the external job boards you have searched on, are listed in ranked order inside the 'All' tab:


The 'All' tab refers to external boards only.  It is a collation for all those boards, and does not include local search results for candidates already added to your idibu account. This is because the functionality for handling internal candidates is slightly different to handling external candidates.

The benefit of the 'All' tab is that you can see all of the candidates ranked by suitability in one place, regardless of source. 

Alternatively, you can also view the candidates returned by each board on their separate tabs. This is particularly useful if one board is taking longer than another to return results. 

Ranking and filtering your search results


You can change how your candidate data is listed by clicking the 'Sort by' button in the top right of the screen. This gives you a number of options to choose from, however we would strongly recommend using 'Rank (desc)' most of the time as this will place the strongest matches at the top of the list.


If you have had a very large volume of candidates returned in your results list, you can quickly reduce this list to a more manageable number using our 'Filter by skill' feature. 

When we obtain the candidates' details from the job board we also obtain 'key skills' data. This allows us to then list all the skills that have been returned in the search in the panel on the right hand side. 

We then show how many candidates have each specific skill, and display that in brackets to the right.

So for example, in the screenshot above we can see that within the search results, 9 candidates have the skill 'Administration'.

If we wanted to quickly filter our results to those 9 candidates, we would simply tick the box on the left:

In the main results page you will then see the number of filtered candidates change in the ranking data:

You can also tick multiple skills to fine tune your results even further...

...and you can also exclude candidates with a specific skill listed. Simply double click on the box so a red X appears:

Reviewing your candidates

Short description

As you scroll through your candidate list you will see all the free data we could obtain from the job board displayed as a short description in that list. You may see key words from your boolean search highlighted in the short description area. 

You may notice some candidates near the top of the list do not appear to have been highlighted in their brief description, but this will just be due to how their profile has been written.  The highlighter only serves as an additional tool to help with reviewing data quickly. It will also include words that might be part of a closed phrase. 

Rest assured, if the candidate appears in the search results, then the terms you have specified will be included in their full details. They should still be reviewed especially when ranked near the top of the list using 'Rank (desc)' as their main profile is still likely to be a strong match.  

Quick view and full profile


Clicking either the quick view and full profile options will use a credit with your job board. For full details regarding what actions taken here will use your board(s) credits, see this article.

Quick view:

Just as with Local Search, you can obtain a quick view of the candidate's profile by clicking the drop down arrow to the left of their name. 

Full profile:

The benefit of this view is that you will see the profile provided by the job board displayed in a full page, with the option to click 'Next' and 'Prev' to scroll through all the candidates. If you have CV downloading activated, this is also where you can perform that action.

To view their full profile, simply click on the candidate's name:

When a candidate has been viewed, their name will be greyed out in the list. This will also be the case if they are returned in a later search you run on the same vacancy, even if the search criteria is modified. This will save you time so you are not reviewing the same candidate more than once:


The majority of job boards provide one set of detailed candidate information. This same information will therefore appear in either the quick view or full profile options.

Adding candidates to idibu

Although the candidates are listed in the search results, that are not yet added to idibu. You can add candidates to idibu either from inside the candidate's profile or from your search results list.

Adding candidates from inside the candidate profile

1. At the top of the candidates profile page, click the 'Add to Vacancy' button.

2. Inside the pop up window that appears, you will see the vacancy status listed. This is the status you will be allocating to the candidate inside the vacancy, and it will either default to 'Added' or the last status you selected. You can change this by clicking the blue drop down arrow and selecting a different status from the list.

3. Click 'Add to vacancy' and the candidate will be parsed into your idibu vacancy.

Adding candidates from your search results list

In your search results the options for adding a candidate to idibu are listed to the right of their name:

As with applicant processing, you can either add a candidate to a status in the vacancy you ran your search from, or you can keep them on file. The latter is useful if you find someone who looks like a great candidate to speak to in the future, but perhaps not for this role. 

The buttons you use to progress candidates in either scenario are just the same as those you use to process your applicants.

The left hand tick turns green when you hover over it and this button will add your candidate to the vacancy...

...While the plus button turns amber when you hover over it. This adds them to idibu, but not the vacancy so they are kept on file for local searching at a later date:

Adding multiple candidates

Furthermore, you can multi-select candidates using the large tick icon on furthest to the right. This is particularly useful if you have a small number of results you have filtered down.

1. For each candidate you wish to add to your vacancy, click on the large tick in a circle furthest to the right. The icon will turn blue. 

2. When you are ready, scroll to the top of the list and click 'add to vacancy'.

3. A drop down list will appear with the vacancy you searched on pre-selected.

4. The vacancy status they will be allocated to will either default to 'Added' of the last status you used. 

5. Simply click on the status to change this if required.

6. Notice you can simultaneously add these candidates to other vacancies they may be suitable for by clicking the tick box on the left. You also have a quick search box to find a specific vacancy quickly.

7. When you are ready, click select to add your candidates to your vacancy or vacancies.


We will start processing your candidates immediately, but the full details might not be populated instantly, particularly if you are adding candidates in bulk.

Downloading CVs to your desktop

If the CV download feature is activated on your account, then when you click on the candidate's name from the results page you will see a 'Download CV' button in the top right of the page:

If you are searching from inside your CRM, then look for the CV download icon:

If you do not see either of these options then CV downloading is not activated on your account.

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