How to search multiple job boards and add candidates to idibu

Apsearch - our aggregated job board search feature - allows you to search multiple job boards at once. You can review the results from every board in a single tab, or you can review the results for each board separately.

In this article we will walk you through using this feature step by step. We’ve broken the article down into linked sections so you can dive back in to refresh your memory on a specific aspect:

Alongside this article, be sure to also check out our tips and tricks article too.

How to access aggregated search

If you are working from inside a CRM, the search area can be accessed by clicking this icon:


  • This will automatically open your search against the vacancy and all searches run will be logged against that vacancy. 
  • All steps outlined in this article are also applicable to working inside your CRM.

If you are working directly in idibu outside of a CRM system, then you can access the search area in a couple of ways:

1. From inside the vacancy

The benefits of searching against a vacancy are:

  • All search activity is recorded against the vacancy.
  • You can access vacancy specific search histories more easily
  • The search page will always open with the last criteria you entered pre-populated in the page.
  • The actions taken by you in the results page will be much clearer due to the labelling system we use.

2. By clicking the search tab.

Unless you were actively working inside a vacancy, when you click the search tab it will open in ‘all vacancies’ mode. 

This means that your search will not be logged against a specific vacancy. In most cases, we would always recommend opening your search in vacancy mode so all search activity is recorded against the vacancy for the benefits outlined above.

If you need to change the search page from 'Vacancy' mode to 'All vacancies' mode, click 'Change view' and select 'No vacancy selected':



Adding your search criteria

1. In the search string field, add your Boolean string. 

2. When you start typing in your string, previous search strings that are potential matches will appear below. Clicking one of these will apply the string to the field.




While you can add a list of keywords separated by commas, for the best and most accurate results we recommend using boolean.

3. You can specify the sector, job type and salary range too. Just keep in mind that this will exclude candidates who have not specified these criteria in their job board profile.

4. If you are searching against a vacancy, the location will have been pulled through from the vacancy details page. 

If no location has been specified or you are not searching against a vacancy, then type the location into the field. Select the most appropriate match from the list that appears below.

5. If you have specified a town or city, note that the most central post or zip code will be populated in the field on the right. 

This is important because this is the data accepted by all boards in order for the search to work, and what we will send to the boards you select.


Some UK job boards will not accept a partial postcode. We therefore recommend adding a full postcode in this field. 

6. You can now specify the radius of your search in order to capture candidates who live up to the specified distance from the location. We default this to 10 miles, but you can click the drop down arrow to specify another distance.

7. The 'last updated' field allows you to narrow the results on all board down to only those candidates who have updated their profile in the time period stated. This field defaults to 'Any', which means that the results include all time periods. To change this to another value, e.g. 1 month, click the blue drop down arrow.

Selecting your boards

You can select your boards in two ways.

  • Single click selection.
  • Clicking the options menu.

1. To select each board with a single click, simply click the blue ‘select’ button. 




Selecting your boards using single click will apply whatever location data is in the postcode field and will apply the rest the criteria you have completed in the main page. 

All other board settings will revert to the default values. To change these, use the ‘options’ menu described below.

2. Clicking the ‘options’ menu allows you to set a more detailed criteria for each board.




We recommend familiarising yourself with all the criteria available in the ‘options’ menu for each board, so you can make the best judgement as to when to use quick board selection or this options area.

3. To save your chosen criteria and select the board, click 'Add to search' in the bottom left hand corner of the panel.

 4. When you have selected your boards and are happy with your search criteria, click ‘Search selected CV databases’.

Reviewing your search results


Please note that some of the steps outlined below in most cases will use search credits. This depends on your job board agreement, but please see this article for more information regarding which actions can use credits.

1. By default, we will open your search results on the ‘All’ tab. This aggregates all of the results from your boards into one list excluding local search

However, you can also review the results board by board, by clicking the board tabs to the right.

2. You can use the ‘Sort by’ button in the top right to reorder your results list by Rank, Name, Date added, and Last updated. 

By default, if you do not change this filter we will display the results by ‘Rank (desc)’. This means the strongest matching candidates will be at the top of the list.

3. You can also use the 'Filter by skill' area in the right hand panel to filter your results by key skills obtained from the candidate profile. These can be useful to chunk down large numbers of candidates into smaller groups of potential suitability.

i. Click on the skills you wish to filter. A green tick will appear in the box beside each skill, and the results will reduce to only show candidates with those skills. The number of candidates with the skill are shown in the brackets on the right, e.g. 46.

ii. You can also exclude candidates with a given skill by double clicking on the skill so a red x appears in the box.

iii. Furthermore, you can tick or X multiple skills at once to only show the candidates to whom all those skill parameters apply.

4. In the main page we will display as much free information as we have available about the candidate. This does depend however on the information provided by both the candidate and the job board.

We will also use a highlighter tool to highlight words that are included in your boolean phrase.


The highlighters will still just highlight single words, even from multiple word phrases included between “ “ in your boolean string. This does not mean that the search has ignored the boolean structure or run this incorrectly. Somewhere in the candidate’s CV, the full boolean phrase entered between “ “ will be present.

5. If you wish to see more information about the candidate you can do so in two ways:

i. Clicking their name will open their profile/CV in a new page. 

The benefit of this view is that you can use the 'prev' / 'next' buttons to scroll through every profile in order.

ii. Clicking the blue arrow to the left of the candidate name will open their job board profile/CV in a pop-up window. 

The benefit of this method is that you can selectively review profiles from the results list, without scrolling through every single one. This therefore helps to save on credit usage.


Either method is likely in most cases to use a job board credit. However, you will not be charged an additional credit by your board if you then add the candidate to idibu or download the CV. See this article for more details. 

You can also access the article at any time from inside the search results area by clicking this link:

Adding candidates to your vacancy

There are two ways to add candidates to your vacancy, and they are reflective of the two methods described to review the full candidate details.

Via candidate name

f you are reviewing the candidate profile/CV by clicking the candidate name, you will see an ‘Add to vacancy’ button in the top right corner. 

You can select the ATS status you wish to apply to the candidate in the vacancy. Note that the default status is ‘Added’. 

If you have searched against a vacancy, then clicking 'Add to vacancy' will add your candidate to that vacancy by default.

If you have done an 'All vacancies' search, you can select any of your vacancies by clicking the drop down list under status. These are listed alphabetically, so idibu will default to your first alphabetical vacancy if no changes are made:

Via the pop-up

If you are reviewing the candidates using the blue arrow to expose the pop-up window and stay in the results page, there are two ways in which you can add your candidate to the vacancy.

You can add the candidate straight away as you review their details by clicking the small tick in a circle icon shown here:

Doing so will produce the same pop-up detailed above, allowing you to select the ATS status (or vacancy if doing an 'all vacancies' search.

Alternatively, you can use the multi-select tick icon on the far right of the page. 

This latter method means you can tick candidates as you review them, then use the 'Add to vacancy' button to add all candidates selected in one action. 

In either case, as above, the vacancy will be pre-selected (when searching against a vacancy) or can be filtered and selected (if doing an ‘all vacancies’ search). This means you can also add candidates to other vacancies, even if you are not searching against them.

You can also select the ATS status you wish to apply to the candidate in the vacancy. Note that again, the default status is ‘Added’. 

Click 'Select' when ready to add your candidates.

Adding candidates to your idibu database

Sometimes you might not want to add a candidate to any vacancy, but still retain them in your database. 

From the search results list area, you can add candidates to your idibu database in two ways.

Firstly, you can click the plus in a circle icon to add candidates one at a time.

Or secondly, you can use the multi-selection tick icon again to multi-select candidates then add all of them to your database at once by clicking ‘add to idibu’

Adding candidates to talent pools

In the same way that you can add candidates to your idibu database, you can also create and add candidates to your own personal talent pools too.

Use the multi-select icons on the right to select the candidates you would like to add.

Then click ‘Add to talent pool’ to add to one of your existing talent pools.

Or click ‘New talent pool’ to create and add them to a new personal talent pool.

Seeing what actions have been taken by you and other users

When candidates are actioned in the results list, we provide a set of labels so that you can clearly see where you are up to, and what has been done. 

We’ve provided a brief overview below, but you can find more detail in this article too.

Actions taken by you


Whenever you view a candidate by clicking the blue arrow or their name, we will apply the label ‘viewed’.

Added (to vacancy)

When you search against a vacancy and add a candidate, we apply a green ‘added’ label.


The 'added' labels only appear once the candidate has passed through the parsing queue and been created in idibu. You will need to refresh the results page to check the latest status and see these labels when added


If CV downloading to desktop is activated on your account and you download a CV outside of idibu, we will apply a blue ‘Downloaded’ label. 

Action taken by you or other users

Added (to the database)

If you add a candidate to the idibu database we will apply an amber ‘Added’ label.

This label will also appear automatically against candidates who have already been added to the idibu database when your search results are generated.

This includes candidates who may have been added to another vacancy or the database by another user. Therefore, when you see this label, you can save search credits and see more useful information about the candidate in the following way:

  1. Click the ‘Added’ label shown above to open their idibu record in a new tab
  2. You have now saved a search credit but can also review their notes, activity history and their status against any active vacancies. 
  3. You may now have much more information at your disposal to engage with that candidate and open up the conversation.

Downloading CV files to desktop

CV downloading to desktop is an optional feature. We’ve made this optional and switched off by default because we recognise that this may only be appropriate for some businesses - especially in light of data tracking and removal regulations. 

If this feature has been activated on your account and you wish to download the CV to your desktop, click on the candidate name then click ‘Download CV’ in the top right of the page:

If you are working with idibu inside your CRM, then click this icon:

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